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Washington, D.C. — In dramatic testimony to the House Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Wednesday, the former FBI staff specialist Marcus Allen warned the country, ‘we are in a fight for the existence of this republic.’ In 2022, Allen, a 25-year veteran of the FBI, had his security clearance suspended shortly after he criticized before a congressional panel the January 6 statements of the FBI Director Christopher Wray. Allen testified before the subcommittee’s chair Jim Jordan and the other Republican members of the subcommittee about ‘the state of the FBI.’ He focused on what he says is the FBI’s ‘political bias’ and ‘criminality’.

His testimony follows his earlier appearance before the House Judiciary Committee in which he said that he had been retaliated against by political forces for questioning the January 6 Capitol riot story. ‘I was not in Washington, D.C. on 6 January, did not participate in events of 6 January, and condemn all criminal activity that transpired,’ he said. ‘It appears that I was retaliated against because I passed on information to my supervisors and others that events of 6 January

A Warning to America

Allen’s latest affidavit describes what he calls an ‘alarming abuse of power’ by the FBI, warning that the agency without checks and balances threatens the political process as the 2024 election nears: The FBI is out of control,The FBI has no intention of pulling back from the conduct, and people in this country may be attacked simply on the basis of their political beliefs.

Allen called on Americans to vote, even if they feared fraud at the polls, and to exercise their Second Amendment rights. ‘It’s your duty to vote,’ Allen said. ‘You’ll lose your claim by not voting. You’ve got to vote, by God.’ He added that Americans should arm themselves for self-defense, stockpile food for emergencies and ‘find out who your neighbors are so you can go help them if there’s a breakdown of civilization’.

And he was a man of faith, admonishing Americans to turn to religion in these dark times: ‘Pray and read the Gospel of Jesus Christ,’ Allen charged the Committee, going on to say that ‘spiritual guidance’ is just as important as practical measures.

Allegations of Political Retaliation

Allen’s testimony also produced more direct accusations against FBI officials, and specifically that they were punishing him for his political views and religious beliefs. Allen called out the FBI official Jeffrey Veltri, saying that Veltri mocked him for his deep Christian faith. Allen said that Veltri told him he was ‘delusional for believing in and looking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit’. Allen said in response: ‘You can insult me, but you shouldn’t blaspheme about God. It’s bigger than me. I hope that truth will come out, that this does not happen to other people.

Allen’s case is one of a series of cases of FBI whistleblowers who have gone public in recent years to accuse the agency of holding political biases, bringing renewed attention to concerns in the political fringes that federal law enforcement is being abused to target people because of their beliefs rather than because they are breaking the law.

Reactions to Allen’s Testimony

Allen’s statements sparked swift responses from both sides of the political aisle. Members of the Republican committee commended Allen for his courage in speaking out against what Republicans see as government overreach. According to Jim Jordan, the Republican chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Allen’s testimony demonstrates the immediate need for reform at the bureau. ‘Marcus Allen has shown great courage in exposing the rot at the agency. Marcus Allen is one of countless victims of the FBI’s rampant misconduct,’ said Jordan. ‘The FBI has veered far from its original mission.

But Democratic lawmakers assailed Allen’s complaints as part of a larger narrative meant to erode public confidence in federal agencies. ‘What we are seeing here is a coordinated effort to undermine faith in law enforcement,’ noted Representative David Cicilline (D-RI). ‘The FBI plays a critical role in keeping people and communities safe across our country, and these unfounded attacks simply do nothing but harm.

Ongoing Investigations and Future Implications

FBI officials have yet to publicly comment on Allen’s latest testimony, but the agency has defended itself against similar whistleblowers before: ‘Allegations of misconduct are thoroughly reviewed within the Bureau,’ its employees said in a uniform statement via recent press releases, adding that the agency’s inspector general and the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General have been examining claims of political bias at the FBI, though those probes have not yet resulted in institutional reform.

With the federal law enforcement debate heating up as the 2024 election draws closer, we’ll probably continue hearing more from Marcus Allen and the activists who are shaping the global conversation about police accountability and civil liberties.


  1. The New York Times, ‘Whistleblower Charges Suggest FBI Has Been Involved with Political Snooping’, September 2024.
  2. ‘Former FBI Staff Specialist Warns of Agency Overreach,’ CNN, September 2024.
  3. Marcus Allen’s Warning on FBI Conduct During House Intelligence Committee Hearing, video clip at Reuters, September 2024.
  4. Politico, “FBI Whistleblower Claims Retaliation for Questioning January 6 Narrative,” September 2024.
  5. The Hill, “House Republicans Rally Behind Whistleblower Alleging FBI Misconduct,” September 2024.
  6. NBC News, “FBI Faces Scrutiny as Whistleblower Details Allegations of Retaliation,” September 2024.
  7. The Guardian, “House Subcommittee Hears Explosive Testimony from Former FBI Whistleblower,” September 2024.